December 4, 2012

my baking skills, or lack thereof

I hope you all remember the time that i almost starved to death a few months ago.
Well, now fast forward to December 3, 2012. I have exactly 10 days left in Provo. (ie: I need to use up my food).

So Sunday, I made banana bread. Thats domestic.

Except fot the part where the middle fell in, it looked like jello, and I used half of the bananas that I should have. So what does that make it, 'unbanana bread'? Or, not to mention that the outside of the bread became like a thick crust over the entire loaf...making it impossible to eat with out a gallon of milk in a cup.

Monday comes around. I've been testing the waters of baking and cooking....false.
I made my speciality, Hawaiian Haystacks with out ALL the toppings (eg: rice and sauce).
The last time I made this in my old apt. my stove caught on fire. And all I had done was trying to boil water.

Its time to add the rice to the boil water. Inside my head I was debating, half as much rice as water, or half of as much water as rice. I decided I should do nothing else but ask my most trusted friend, "Siri," how to make rice. When I got the most unapproved look from my roommate, I just said, "help?"
She confirmed my problem and I continued making rice. In case you are wondering. 2 cups of rice is alot....for one person. Just fyi ;)

I decided to spice up my cream of chicken a bit you know. Its good for my tastebuds to know something besides Raman. So thanks to my wonderful sis, Alice-Anne, who had given me 2 cans of chicken that I had always been way to cheap to buy since June 2011, I added the final can to the sauce. Keep in mind, I bought the family size Cream of Chicken too since it was 30 cents cheaper. How could I not....

I was getting alittle impatient with the sauce, so after throwing in the chicken, I just decided to dish my self up. I guess I should have waited alittle to cook the chicken more, because I found myself eating "pinkish" chicken. Its probably edible though.

Lastly, to make this lunch any more drawn out, I added pineapple for the finishing touch. I have a weak spot for pineapple. I could sleep with it. Resting above the cupboards we had 2 Costco bulk cans of diced pineapple. The kind that says, "Serving Size: 3948". I opened up one of those bad boys and coated it on my good. And besides, I fit the leftover pineapple in only 3 large tuperwares! (score!)

So if anything, learn that my dear future husband doesn't have anything to look forward to coming out of the oven or stove, and should anticipates so good ol' Raman and cereal.

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